Monday, November 5, 2007

The Wicked Witch Has Arrived

Well its official, the wicked witch has arrived AGAIN, which means IUI #1 failed. We made a doctor appointment to decide if we should attempt another IUI or just make an appointment with IVF. I called IVF and there isn't an open appointment until December 14. Can't believe I have to wait that long but at least it let's me know that I am not alone and there must be a lot of people in my shoes. I just can't believe how expensive it is, and of course neither David or my insurance covers it. But on the positive side, at least the witch showed on time-every 31 days becomming more and more like clockwork and now I can look forward to another month of trying. I am just glad that 2ww is over because it felt like forever.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I once learned that for every No you are one step closer to a Yes.Don't lose faith your Yes will arrive soon. Stay hopeful.