Friday, November 9, 2007


Who would have ever thought I would think about each month as a "cycle" vs an actual named month (i.e January). Instead, I think about all the fun hormones I get to take once my "cycle" starts, when during my "cycle" I need to start testing for ovulation, and when during my "cycle" we will need to do the "baby dance". We went to the doctor yesterday and found out this month my gynocologist will be on vacation during my possibility of ovulation so this month is out as far as IUI goes. He also suggested I move up my IVF appointment to when my next "cycle" is supposed to start because they will probably want to run tests when I am on my "cycle" and if I keep my current appointment I would have to wait yet another "cycle". IVF is supposed to get back to me as far as the possibilty of moving my appointment for me.

The other issue is my "stress" level. My blood pressure was really high during my appointment. I had a headache the past 2 days but figured it was from the change in weather. Turns out it was my bloodpressure. The doctor really had no explanation for my "infertility". But, he did make a very obvious observation- I am a stressmonger and need to stop stressing/worrying. It is just really hard to do, especially with work. I am trying to find a way to "destress" and relax myself every day.

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