Saturday, November 17, 2007

To Test for Ovulation or not to test???

Made it through a very busy week. But I can say so far have not had the hot flashes as bad as I usually get them-which is nice because I can sleep better. We got some good news, IVF called and was able to move our appointment up a week and it is great because it falls on a Thursday which is David's day off from work.

Just wanted to say "thank you" for your responses/comments. I will let you all know when I get my IPOD-since that seems to be the winner for the stress reduction.

Been debating whether or not to test for ovulation. Since I know we can't do the IUI this month and besides for the past several months we did test and did the baby dance at the "right times" and still nothing. I figure why stress myself out thinking and knowing about it. Because for some reason the BFN hurts more because in the back of my head I am thinking-"I ovulated-so maybe I am pregnant". I think also timing ovulation makes the 2ww feel like forever for me.

This week I spoke with a nurse at IVF and she gave me some interesting information I wasn't aware about. She said that just because you test positive on the ovulation kits-doesn't necessarily mean you are dropping an egg. Apparently those tests look at LH and in some cases you can have the LH surge without releasing an egg. She also said that clomid often thins the uterine lining which is almost like a double edged sword. It helps with ovulation but if the lining is to thin, pregnancy may be difficult.

It really is amazing when you start to think about the human body and how everything in the body has a "job".

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